Domingo Alcaráz Segura

Investigador Postdoctoral - Ecozonar (Ecología de Zonas Áridas)

Domingo Alcaráz Segura

Soy licenciado y doctorado en Ciencias Ambientales por la Universidad de Almería, España, en 2000 y 2005, respectivamente. Realicé 5 años de estancias de investigación en diversas instituciones (Universidad de Buenos Aires y CONICET, Universidad de Virginia, Universidad de Texas-Austin, Universidad de Maryland, Universidad de Oxford, Estación Biológica de Doñana-CSIC, Universidad de Málaga, CIBIO-Universidade do Porto). Acumulo más de 2500 horas de clases teóricas y prácticas en grado, máster y doctorado. He participado en 2 proyectos de innovación docente, 1 de grado y 1 de máster, y he impartido cursos de inglés. He dirigido 14 tesis de grado, 19 de máster y 8 de doctorado (uno en curso).

Desde 2019, soy Profesor Asociado (funcionario, Profesor Titular de Universidad) en el Departamento de Botánica de la Universidad de Granada, donde entré como profesor ayudante en 2011.


Realizo evaluaciones basadas en la teledetección de los efectos del cambio global en el funcionamiento y los servicios de los ecosistemas, desarrollo de sistemas de seguimiento y alerta de los cambios en el funcionamiento de los socio-ecosistemas y las áreas protegidas y prioridades geográficas en la conservación.

Como logros, destacar que hemos propuesto un nuevo concepto en Ecología, el Tipo Funcional de Ecosistema. Los EFTs se utilizan para mejorar los modelos de distribución de especies y del clima, para caracterizar la diversidad funcional de los ecosistemas, para evaluar la representatividad funcional y la capacidad de proporcionar servicios de las redes de áreas protegidas. Además, hemos desarrollado el Sistema de Seguimiento de cambios funcionales en la Red de Parques Nacionales de España (REMOTE).

GRUPO DE INVESTIGACIÓN: Ecozonar (Ecología de Zonas Áridas) - (RNM-174)


  • Botánica
  • Ecología del cambio global
  • Funcionamiento de los ecosistemas
  • Conservación de la biodiversidad
  • Deep learning
  • Remote sensing


Denominación del proyecto: Thematic Center on Mountain Ecosystem & Remote sensing, Deep learning-AI e-Services University of Granada-Sierra Nevada. Smart EcoMountains - Work Packages 4&8

  • Entidad Financiadora: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación/Universidad de Granada/FEDER.
  • Duración: 30 meses. Inicio: 01/01/2021 - Fin: 30/06/2023
  • Cuantía: 173.068.75 € + 221.068.75 €
  • Participación: investigador principal
  • Investigador/es responsable/es: Domingo Alcaraz Segura, Regino Zamora y Siham Tabik

Denominación del proyecto: Remote sensing of cultural ecosystem services: a tool for monitoring climate change effects. EarthCul. Ref: PID2020-118041GB-I00

  • Entidad Financiadora: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación/Universidad de Granada/FEDER.
  • Duración: 36 meses. Inicio: 01/10/2021 - Fin: 01/10/2023
  • Cuantía: 86.757 €
  • Participación: investigador principal
  • Investigador/es responsable/es: Domingo Alcaraz Segura (Universidad de Granada)

Denominación del proyecto: EBV-ScaleUp - Harnessing the power of GEE and GEO BON to bring Essential Biodiversity Variables from concept to application-ready global solutions in service of society

  • Entidad Financiadora: Group on Earth Observations - Google Earth Engine Program 2019
  • Duración: 24 meses. Inicio: 01/07/2020 - Fin: 30/06/2022
  • Cuantía: 125.000 $
  • Participación: investigador
  • Investigador/es responsable/es: Robert P. Guralnick (University of Florida) Carsten Meyer (German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research –iDiv-)

Denominación del proyecto: Aumentando la resiliencia y resistencia de los sistemas agroforestales andaluces: bases para la restauración frente a los efectos del cambio global (RESISTE). P18-RT-1927

  • Entidad Financiadora: Junta de Andalucía. Proyectos de I+D+i Retos de la Sociedad. 2018
  • Duración: 36 meses. Inicio: 01/01/2020 - Fin: 31/12/2022
  • Cuantía: 108.292 €
  • Participación: investigador principal
  • Investigador/es responsable/es: Jorge Castro y Domingo Alcaraz Segura (Universidad de Granada)

Denominación del proyecto: Automatic system based on remote sensing and artificial intelligence for the detection of changes in the distribution of high mountain shrubs in response to global change.

  • Entidad Financiadora: Programa FEDER-Universidad de Granada. 2018. A-RNM-256-UGR18
  • Duración: 24 meses. Inicio: 01/01/2020 - Fin: 31/12/2021
  • Cuantía: 37.150 €
  • Participación: investigador principal
  • Investigador/es responsable/es: Domingo Alcaraz Segura (Universidad de Granada)

Denominación del proyecto: ECOPOTENTIAL: Improving future ecosystem benefits through earth observations.

  • Entidad Financiadora: H2020-European Union. 3.5.5. - Developing comprehensive and sustained global environmental observation and information systems. 2014. Ref. 641762
  • Duración: Inicio: 01/10/2015 - Fin: 30/09/2019
  • Cuantía: 15.000.000 €
  • Participación: investigador principal
  • Investigador/es responsable/es: A. Provenzale, CNR (Italy) y Domingo Alcaraz Segura (UGR)


  • Web of Science:
  • Scopus:
  • Twitter: @txomingo99


Climate legacies drive the distribution and future restoration potential of dryland forests Earth Observations of Human-Nature Interactions from a Cultural Ecosystem Service Perspective Forest restoration is more than firing seeds from a drone A data-driven methodological routine to identify key indicators
for social-ecological system archetype mapping
Classifying the content of social media images to support cultural ecosystem service assessments using deep learning models TimeSpec4LULC: a global multispectral time series database for training LULC mapping models with machine learning Mainstreaming remotely sensed ecosystem functioning in ecological niche models Remote Sensing in Sierra Nevada: From Abiotic Processes to Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functions and Services Mask R-CNN and OBIA Fusion Improves the Segmentation of Scattered Vegetation in Very High-Resolution Optical Sensors. Integrating inductive and deductive analysis to identify and characterize archetypical social-ecological systems and their changes. Patterns of ecosystem functioning as tool for biological regionalization: the case of the Mediterranean-desert-tropical transition of Baja California Precision restoration: A necessary approach to foster forest recovery in the 21st century Sentinel2GlobalLULC: A deep-learning-ready Sentinel-2 RGB image dataset for global land use/cover mapping Olive Tree Biovolume from UAV Multi-Resolution Image Segmentation with Mask R-CNN An expert-based reference list of variables for characterizing and monitoring social-ecological systems Incorporating ecosystem functional diversity into geographic conservation priorities using remotely-sensed Ecosystem Functional Types Bayesian harmonic modelling of sparse and irregular satellite remote sensing time series of vegetation indexes: a story of clouds and fires FloraSNevada: a trait database of the vascular flora of Sierra Nevada, southeast Spain Multi-scale evolution of ecosystem services’ supply in Sierra Nevada (Spain): An assessment over the last half-century How to apply remote sensing techniques to precision farming: 2 practical cases by Garnata drone Digital conservation in biosphere reserves: Earth observations, social media, and nature's cultural contributions to people Social media photo content for Sierra Nevada: a dataset to support the assessment of cultural ecosystem services in protected areas Evaluating tourist profiles and nature-based experiences in Biosphere Reserves using Flickr: Matches and mismatches between online social surveys and photo content analysis Tree Cover Estimation in Global Drylands from Space Using Deep Learning A co-designed method to guide decision-making in protected area visitor centres Improving the detection of wildfire disturbances in space and time based on indicators extracted from MODIS data: a case study in northern Portugal The Many Roles of Remote Sensing in Invasion Science Social-ecological functional types: connecting people and ecosystems in the Argentine Chaco A multi-temporal object-based image analysis to detect long-lived shrub cover changes in drylands Optimizing an environmental observatory network design using publicly available data Detection of fir trees (Abies sibirica) damaged by the bark beetle in unmanned aerial vehicle images with Deep Learning Effects of species traits and environmental predictors on performance and transferability of ecological niche models Whale counting in satellite and aerial images with deep learning Remotely sensed variables of ecosystem functioning support robust predictions of abundance patterns for rare species Managing plant invasions through the lens of remote sensing: A review of progress and the way forward Assessing the multi-scale predictive ability of ecosystem functional attributes for species distribution modelling Ecosystem functional diversity and the representativeness of environmental networks across the conterminous United States Trends in vegetation greenness dynamics in protected areas across borders: what are the environmental controls? Remote sensing-derived fractures and shrub patterns to identify groundwater dependence Trends in the seasonal dynamics of vegetation greenness in contrasting protected areas of S Spain and N Morocco Enhancing interoperability to facilitate implementation of REDD+: case study of Mexico Potential of satellite-derived ecosystem functional attributes to anticipate species range shifts Deep-learning Versus OBIA for Scattered Shrub Detection with Google Earth Imagery: Ziziphus lotus as Case Study Remote-sensing based approach to forecast habitat quality under climate change scenarios. Deep-Learning Convolutional Neural Networks for scattered shrub detection with Google Earth Imagery. Digital map of the organic carbon profile in the soils of Andalusia, Spain Framing the concept of satellite remote sensing essential biodiversity variables: Challenges and future directions Sistema para el Seguimiento del funcionamiento de ecosistemas en la Red de Parques Nacionales de España mediante Teledetección Essential social-ecological functions to refine the conceptual framework of ecosystem services Corrigendum to Regional model simulations of the 2008 drought in southern South America using a consistent set of land surface properties Implicaciones del filtrado de calidad del índice de vegetación EVI para el seguimiento funcional de ecosistemas Do protected areas networks ensure the supply of ecosystem services? Spatial patterns of two nature reserve systems in semi-arid Spain Regional Model Simulations of the 2008 Drought in Southern South America Using a Consistent Set of Land Surface Properties The Impact of Ecosystem Functional Type Changes on the La Plata Basin Climate Effect of Implementing Ecosystem Functional Type Data in a Mesoscale Climate Model Environmental and human controls of ecosystem functional diversity in temperate South America Trends in vegetation greenness and gross primary production in Spain (2000-2009) Ecosystem functional changes associated with land clearing in NW Argentina Future land use effects on the connectivity of protected area networks in Southeastern Spain The role of vegetation and lithology in the spatial and inter-annual response of EVI to climate in drylands of Southeastern Spain The ecosystem functioning dimension in conservation biology: insights from remote sensing Use of Ecosystem Functional Types to represent the interannual variability of vegetation biophysical properties in regional models La medida de la respuesta ecosistémica Debating the greening vs. browning of the North American boreal forest: differences between satellite datasets Evaluating the Consistency of the 1982–1999 NDVI Trends in the Iberian Peninsula across Four Time-series Derived from the AVHRR Sensor: LTDR, GIMMS, FASIR, and PAL-II Using Ecosystem Functional Types in land-surface modeling to characterize and monitor the spatial and inter-annual variability of vegetation dynamics Use of Descriptors of Ecosystem Functioning for Monitoring a National Park Network: A Remote Sensing Approach Baseline characterization of major Iberian vegetation types based on the satellite-derived NDVI dynamics.
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