The Master’s degree in Global Change Monitoring and Adaptation will bring knowledge about Global Change to students as well as tools and methodologies to manage it, all in a multidisciplinary approach.
- Give student advanced and innovative knowledge of causes, components and disruptions related to the functioning of the Earth system, as well as tools and methodologies study, monitoring and impacts mitigation.
- Provide students with a multi and transdisciplinary learning under the paradigm of Global Change so that, at the end of the Master’s degree, they have a broad training which allows them to successfully direct their careers in several fields concerning sustainable management of natural resources.
The degree is framed within the environmental commitment of Almería University, formalised by CAESCG’s creation, and a collaboration agreement with Arid Zones Experimental Station (EEZA-CSIC).
Centres responsible for the degree
Advanced Polytechnic School and School of Experimental Sciences (Almería University)
Employment opportunities
After the conclusion of studies, the graduates will be able to choose both academic and professional opportunities:
Academic opportunities
The students will achieve fundamental and specific skills, tools and knowledge, which will provide access to doctoral studies and a dissertation.
Professional opportunities
A multidisciplinary approach to the degree allows students to compete in the labour market as high level professionals applying to companies which work in environmental management and to those committed to sustainable exploitation of natural resources in a Global Change adaptation concept. The latter are increasing due to the legal (at local, regional, national and European levels) and social demands.
In short, it is intended to train versatile professionals who could develop their activity in several areas and easily adapt to several work environments.
Distribution of training scheme in credits ECTS of each subject.
The program has been organized through an academic year in which 72 ECT credits as well as the Master’s Dissertation (TFM), 12 credits, are available. It is structured on 3 modules:
- Module 1, mandatory content for all the students, 33 ECTS credits.
- Module 2, optional content, the student must take 15 ECTS credits of the 39 available.
- Module 3, to Master’s Dissertation, 12 ECTS credits.
[table caption="Distribution of training scheme" width="100%" colwidth="50|50|50" colalign="center|center|center|center|center"]
Academic Years;Mandatory content;Optional content;Master's Dissertation;Total
1; 33; 15; 12; 60[/table]
The Master’s blended modality will enable students in different circumstances to participate, regardless of where they live or if they have other activities. The educational activity will be organized by a combination of teaching-learning activities and the on-site and virtual monitoring of students. The blended modality is due to its important methodological content, so attending class will be used to develop equipment management and field training. In addition the course planning allow all students to complete their Master’s Dissertation duties with a more flexible timetable.
MODULE 1. MANDATORY. It includes those conceptual and methodological basic aspects focused on knowledge, assessment and management of Climate Change effects. The module consist of 11 subjects
- Climate Change.
- Land-use Changes.
- Biological invasions.
- Biogeochemical cycles.
- Global Change and society.
- Statistics applied to Global Change. Introduction to free software “R”.
- Characterization and modelling of flows of water and carbon in ecosystem.
- Indicators to monitor biodiversity.
- Global Change and biodiversity conservation: a macro-ecological view.
- Protected Areas: Labs for Global Change governance.
- Ecosystems, functions and services.
MODULE 2. OPTIONAL. It is a complement to basic mandatory training which allows to be conducted as much towards specific fields as a more professional or research-based profile. Consists of 11 subjects to choose by the student:
- Water pollution.
- Ecohydrology.
- Evolutionary ecology in a changing world.
- Soil and climate change.
- Soil degradation in arid and semiarid zones. Corrective and conservation measures.
- Soil restoration in arid and semiarid zones.
- Design of programs for long term monitoring.
- Intensive agriculture sustainability keys.
- Work experience.
- Water and Global Change.
- The Earth’s climate history.
MODULE 3. MASTER'S DISSERTATION. Master’s Dissertation (12 ECTS).
This will be an original essay (research or practical application) written by students who must choose between thematic areas proposed by teachers, and it will be tutored by the teacher who proposed that particular thematic area and, eventually, by experts from the companies where the work experience is carried out. In this way, knowledge and skills acquired during the course will be used in a more practical way. The monitoring and assessment will be carried out by the tutor and finally it must be publicly defended by the student.

Prerequisites, corequisites and the recomended profile.
This degree has no prerequisite or corequisite. Due to its multidisciplinary nature, the ideal access profile will be a student qualified in Earth and Environmental Sciences. Thus, this degree is offered preferably to graduates of Environmental Sciences, Biology, Geography, Renewable Energy, Marine Sciences, Geology, Forests Engineers, Agricultural Engineers and other related degrees who want to specialise in applying their knowledge and skills to the areas of comprehension, assessment and monitoring related to Global Change, as well as the implementation of methods and techniques to manage their effects.
Teaching period
From October to June.
An updated course is expected next year 2015/2016.