It is time for reflection.

Human beings belong to the animal kingdom, that is, we share characteristics with a group of beings that differentiate us from other large groups such as plants, fungi or bacteria.

Although we need to compartmentalize the world around us to facilitate its understanding, in nature and therefore in the ecosystems that compose it, the different elements, both living and inert, are interconnected.

These relationships of dependence between the different players in the ecosystem ultimately translate into benefits for each of them. In the case of humans, these benefits are known as ecosystem services and have a direct impact on our well-being.

Let's take the case of jujube, what are its direct benefits?:

- Shelter for many insects that act as policemen of the pests that affect our crop fields.

- Carbon sink in arid environments helping to mitigate climate change. They are capable of generating very durable organic matter (roots and trunks).

- They act as a first line of defense against flooding of the banks of the wadis.

The Climate Change Route can be completed with the Northern Route, which requires a trip to the Amoladeras Visitor Center.

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