Student of the PhD program in Applied Environmental Sciences at the University of Almeria (Spain). Research Group on Biodiversity, Ecology and Global Change of the Andalusian Center for the Evaluation and Monitoring of Global Change CAESCG. Master in Conservation, Management and Restoration of Biodiversity from the University of Granada (Spain). Biologist from Universidad del Quindío (Colombia) and Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (Spain). I have worked since 2013 in the areas of molecular biology in parasitology associated with water quality, teaching, conservation, management and monitoring of biodiversity, environmental law and protected areas for the last 8 years; as well as with the zoology collections of the National Museum of Natural Sciences of Madrid (MNCN-CSIC). Likewise, since 2019, I have been chairing the chair of Environmental Control and Monitoring in the Specialization of Environmental Planning and Integral Management of Natural Resources at the Universidad Militar Nueva Granada (UMNG).
Currently I work as a biologist at the Corporación Autónoma Regional de Cundinamarca (CAR de Cundinamarca) in which I develop work in the field of biodiversity management in 10 watersheds in which 104 municipalities are distributed, in which strategic ecosystems of páramo, high Andean forest, tropical dry forest and lagoon complexes are reported, areas in which socio-environmental processes are developed for the improvement of environmental culture. I also developed processes for the implementation of the Colombian Pollinator Initiative, the study of productive activities in sociecosystems and their impact on biodiversity.
I have special interest in topics related to environmental planning, evaluation and monitoring, entomology, management and conservation of natural resources and protected areas as well as evaluation and valuation of ecosystem services. Academic and professional interests in biodiversity informatics, an area in which I recently developed a research work (Master's thesis) directed by Dr. Carmen Quesada (University of Granada and GBIF Spain) in the field of biodiversity information systems and their importance for management processes and decision making in conservation for the Andean ecoregion of Colombia.
RESEARCH GROUP: Biodiversity, Ecology and Global Change.
- Biodiversity
- Ecology
- Socioecosystems
- Andes, Colombia
- Watershed
Member of the technical evaluation committee of the Latin America Green Awards.