María D. López Rodríguez

Postdoctoral Researcher - Sustainability, Resilience And Governance Of Social-Ecological Systems

María D. López Rodríguez

I have a degree in Environmental Sciences. Master in Hydrogeology in arid areas. PhD in Applied Environmental Sciences. I was hired at CAESCG, doing research related to processes and methodological tools of science-management interface in the framework of socio-ecological systems governance. Since 2019 I am working as a postdoctoral researcher at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya.


My main area of research focuses on conducting inter- and transdisciplinary research to strengthen the links between science and other parts of society in order to advance the governance of social-ecological systems in different cultural, social and institutional frameworks. My motivation is to research so that scientific knowledge can be an engine of social learning and a driver of policy change to move towards sustainability.

RESEARCH GROUP: Sustainability, Resilience and Governance of Socio-Ecological Systems (RNM-933) / TurbaLAB


  • Transdisciplinary research
  • Collaborative governance
  • Transitions to sustainability
  • Science-management-society interface




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