I have a PhD in Applied Environmental Sciences from the University of Almeria (February 2021). Previously, I studied a Bachelor's Degree in Environmental Sciences at the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, and a Master's Degree in Conservation, Management and Restoration of Biodiversity at the University of Granada. During my doctoral thesis, I was hired at the University of Almeria as a predoctoral researcher in training, thanks to a grant for University Teacher Training (FPU) from the Ministry of Education. During this period I taught Global Change and Conservation and Management of Species in the Degree in Environmental Sciences. I also carried out two three-month research stays at the University of Buenos Aires with Dr. José Paruelo, and at the Humboldt University of Berlin with Dr. Tobias Kuemmerle. Previously, I also worked as a research technician in the Department of Chemical and Environmental Technology (Universidad Rey Juan Carlos), in several projects for the Biosphere Reserves of the Community of Madrid.
Since the completion of my doctoral thesis I continue my research work at the Andalusian Center for the Assessment and Monitoring of Global Change - CAESCG - (University of Almeria), working as a postdoctoral researcher for the LIFE Adaptamed project. Currently, I am a postdoctoral fellow at the Social-Ecological Systems Institute of the Leuphana University of Lüneburg (Germany).
My research interests are focused on sustainability sciences, specifically on the study of coupled human-nature systems. During my thesis, I worked on the development of conceptual and methodological advances to improve the comparability and generalization of knowledge in social-ecological systems research. My studies have focused on: (1) the development of lists of key variables and (2) their implementation for the characterization and mapping of social-ecological systems, taking Andalusia as a case study.
RESEARCH GROUP: Ecozonar (Ecology of Arid Zones) (RNM-174)
- Archetypes of socio-ecological change
- Archetypes of social-ecological systems
- Mapping of social-ecological systems
- Sustainability
- Essential socio-ecological variables
Long-Term Social-Ecological Research network (LTSER)
- LIFE Adaptamed (LIFE14 CCA/ES/000612)
- European Researchers' Night
- Social learning and co-production of knowledge for the conservation of jujube (Priority Habitat 5220) and the services it provides in the face of Climate Change (CO-ADAPTA).
- Functional Types of Socio-Ecosystems: integrating biophysical and social processes to characterize anthropocene ecosystems (CGL2014-61610-EXP).
- Ten-year report of the Sierra del Rincón Biosphere Reserve (Madrid), by the Scientific Council of the Spanish Committee of the MaB Program.