I studied the Double Degree in Biology and Environmental Sciences at the University of Navarra (UNAV). After graduating in 2020, I continued my studies at the University of Granada (UGR) obtaining a Master's Degree in Conservation, Management and Restoration of Biodiversity.
I have been a student intern (2017-2019) at the Zoology Department of the University of Navarra doing research on malaria in birds and the variation of its incidence and prevalence due to climate change. In 2020, I did my External Internship associated to the Master at CAESCG, specifically collaborating with the Sustainability, Resilience And Governance Of Socio-Ecological Systems group in the research line on human-nature connection, landscapes and emotions.
Since February 2022 I am a predoctoral fellow (Junta de Andalucía) at the University of Almería. I work in the research group on Sustainability, Resilience and Governance of Socio-Ecological Systems. I collaborate in teaching practices in the subject of Global Change and Socio-Ecological Systems of the Environmental Sciences Degree.
My research interests focus on the human-nature connection, conservation and management of landscapes and biodiversity, biocultural diversity (the links between nature and culture), transmission of traditional local ecological knowledge, traditional agroecosystems and sustainable rural development.
RESEARCH GROUP: Sustainability, Resilience And Governance Of Socio-Ecological Systems (RNM-933)
- Biocultural diversity
- Human-nature connection
- Emotional landscapes
- Agroecosystems
- Sustainability
- Design, organization and development of Environmental Education Camps for preschoolers at the University of Navarra (2020-present).
- Thesis project (2022-present): “Socio-ecological pathways and intergenerational perspectives for conservation of biocultural diversity linked to Spanish agroecosystems”
Twitter: @irene_mendi