
The second Biodiversity and Conservation Conference (ConserBio) will be held in the University of Almería, Andalusia, Spain, from September 28 to 30, 2017. This conference aims to gather researchers, environmental managers, conservationists, specialized journalists and citizenry, for improving cooperation and joint efforts in conservation. For more information, please click on the links below.


Nature and Oceans of Americas, el Jardín Botánico de la Universidad "Marta Abreu" de las Villas, Cuba y el Centro Andaluz para la Evaluación y Seguimiento del Cambio Global (CAESCG), Universidad de Almería, se complace en anunciar el II Congreso de Biodiversidad y Conservación de la Naturaleza: Divulgación y transferencia del conocimiento entre los distintos sectores de la sociedad.

Este primer Congreso se llevará a cabo el 28 y 30 septiembre de 2017 en la Universidad de Almería, Andalucía, España. Será el espacio ideal para aunar a grupos de investigadores, gestores, conservacionistas, periodistas ambientales y público en general. Con el objetivo principal de mejorar la integración de todos los sectores de la sociedad en la conservación. Tenemos la intención de continuar con una cita anual en Almería ya que este lugar es a la vez hermoso y único. Esta será nuestra 2ª reunión anual y esperamos que atraiga a científicos de todo el país y del extranjero.

Las inscripciones ya están abiertas. Éstas, junto con el resumen de la ponencia deben ser registradas antes del 31 de julio de 2017. Más información y web del congreso en los siguientes enlaces:

Web page: https://conserbio.wordpress.com/

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/infoconserbio/

Contact: infoconserbio@gmail.com

Understanding the Global Change effects on Nature is one of the biggest challenges of 21st century, especially in developing countries, so it is crucial to develop collaborative spaces where  experience and knowledge can be shared in order to train professionals to support  their institutions and countries.

In this context the CAESCG is developing a project at Al-Hoceima National Park, financed by the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID), in order to form an innovation and cooperation partnership to manage this protected area. This project is considered a continuation of the activities developed within the framework of POCTEFEX-TRANSHÁBITAT project, dedicated to promote the cooperation between Spain and Morocco and sustainable development of this National Park.

The aim of this project is to improve the managerial skill of resources and natural areas of Al-Hoceima National Park and to look for a link between environmental conservation and sustainable human development.

To do that, this research centre carried out training on protected areas management and joint work between researchers, managers and stakeholders of this National Park. Finally, an International Conference about the role of Protected Areas on Global Change will be organized.

Glocharid project - bellow

The Glocharid Project aims to design a system of environmental indicators for monitoring and assessing environmental effects of Global Change in arid and semiarid ecosystems of Andalucía. These effects are environmental issues caused by the impact of human activities which modify the earth’s capacity to support life. The project research areas include:

1)   Drivers of change (climate change, use land change, invasive plants and water contamination)

2)   Changes in ecosystems and biodiversity (flora, fauna, primary productivity, carbon balance and integrity of water and river systems)

3)   Management and sustainability (science-management interface, ecosystems services evaluation and natural heritage sustainable management)

This project involves 13 research groups from Almería University (UAL) and the Higher Council for Scientific Research (CSIC) and more than 50 environmental managers are collaborating too. Their results have been useful in identifying the key ecological processes which are being modified and the most relevant sustainability issues for society derived from this situation.

[table caption="GLOCHARID REPORTS" width="100%" colwidth="20|100|50" colalign="left|center|center|center|right"] Revision reports ;; Initial GLOCHARID report; [Preview]; [Download] Second GLOCHARID report; [Preview]; [Download] Second GLOCHARID attached; [Preview]; [Download] Third GLOCHARID report ; [Preview]; [Download] Fourth GLOCHARID report ; [Preview]; [Download] Fifth GLOCHARID report ; [Preview]; [Download] [/table]

The CAMP Project  is part of the Mediterranean Action Plan (PAM) from the Environment Program of the United Nations. This framework program has been developed since 20 years ago in coastal countries of the Mediterranean area. The CAMP project, whose name comes from the English Coastal Area Management Programme, implements pilot programmes for integrated management of coastal areas. This framework project means a new generation of CAMP projects now that the first one that has implemented the GIZC Protocol effectively.

The main objective of the Eastern Almería CAMP project has been “to be a demonstrative and translatable experience on an international, national, regional and local scale, in order to ensure the application of GIZC protocol (Integrated Management of Coastal Areas) in the context of the Barcelona Convention and the principles set down in it through the GIZC methodology”. To achieve this objective we had to make a sustainability strategy for Eastern Almería, using GIZC as a tool.

The Eastern Almería CAMP Project wants to try new forms of management to study key aspects for coastal sustainability. This allows administrations and stakeholders to understand the management issues and obtain a collective project for this area. They also could develop a sustainability strategy to match social-economic development and nature conservation. This strategy is called Sustainable Development Framework (MRDS).

Almería University, through CAESCG, has carried out the MRDS by using a conceptual model based on the integration of information in a social ecosystemic focus. We consider Eastern Almería as a territory where the natural and social processes interact and form an organized structure that works as a whole; that is to say “socialecosystem”.

So, the population and its livelihood are connected to natural resources and services that the ecosystem gives them, the same way these are affected by economic and social activities in the territory during a specific period. The result of the processes has been a final document where the guidelines agreed by competent administrations to implement a sustainability strategy in the area are reflected.

A training programme directed at technical staff of administrations and social economic partners has been developed at the same time to ensure that objectives are achieved. The three training courses have promoted the implementation of the Integrated Management of Coastal Areas Process at Eastern Almería, whose aim is to reach sustainability in this area.

Course: Partners participatory techniques, negotiation and communication (CAMP Project)

Focussed on improving the institutional coordination and public-private collaboration for integrated management of coastal areas through the application of participation techniques and processes of negotiation and communication.

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Course: Ecosystems and Coastal Processes (CAMP Project)

The aim of this course is to optimize the decision making processes relative to the integrated management of coastal areas through a deeper knowledge of basic aspects of ecosystems and physical natural processes which affect coastal areas.

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Course: Land Planning and Integrated Management of Coastal Areas (CAMP Project)

The objective of this course is to improve the decision making processes relative to integrated management of coastal areas through training about key aspects of planning and management of coastal land.

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TRANSHÁBITAT, “Sustainable Development of the Cross-Border Natura 2000 Net and Habitats of Common Interest in Andalucía-Morocco” is included on the second meeting of the Cross-Border Cooperation Program Spain External Borders (POCTEFEX), a European initiative to improve the partnership between Spain and Morocco through the support of the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER).

The Project comes from the need of unify management criteria for Habitats of Interest in the Community which have a common border between Andalucía and North of Morocco. This  is an excellent base to promote sustainable social-economic and agricultural development in the neighbouring country, based on benefits and opportunities that comes from valuing natural heritage.

The main objective of  TRANSHÁBITAT is to promote social-economic development, improve territorial connectivity and contribute to environmental sustainability and risks prevention. Almería University and CAESCG, as partners in that project, have developed in different ways:

▪ Ecoregionalisation and use and cover mapping of the Rif. This consisted of the division of landscape in ecoregions with an ecological and cultural perspective by identification of environmental homogenous units. This allows us to guide the management, identify indicators  of global change evaluation, restore degraded landscapes and sustainable use of natural resources.

▪ Monitoring of habitats and protected areas through teledetection tools. We characterized the functioning of ecosystems on a regional scale and a protected area scale using satellite images. In this way, we established the conceptual and methodological bases for the development of monitoring systems for conservation status of habitats based on their functionality. These attributes allow us to assess the global change effects in a quicker way and easily establish the relationship between biodiversity and ecosystems services.

▪ Proposal of indicators and Handbook for global change monitoring. CESCG is one of the founding institutions of Global Change Observatories Net in Andalucía. We have drawn up a proposal of monitoring indicators that meet with the agreement  of scientific knowledge and social awareness management, based on our experience assessing arid and semi-arid ecosystems of Andalucía and developing social processes for production of collaborative knowledge. To do that, we have developed transfer workshops between scientists, managers, and society at large, using Al Hoceima National Park as a framework and an Assessment Guide for Global Change, which offers a wide range of indicators and their applications at Rif

▪ Promotion of employment through a high level training program for global change.  The CAESCG, working with the Mohamed I of Moroccan University and Pluridisciplinar Faculty of Nador, have developed a high level training program for global change focused on students, managers and scientists related to environmental management in Morocco. The program was developed in two phases; a theorical and multidisciplinary course at Pluridisciplinar Faculty of Nador (Morocco) and a practical course at Sierra Nevada and Cabo de Gata Parks (Andalucía).

The project ended in the first half of 2014 and its most relevant results have been presented in a general closing meeting of the TRANSHABITAT project which was held on  24th and 25th June at Xauen.

You can check the results in this link.


The Transhabitat project “Sustainable development of Cross-Border Area Natura 2000 Net and Common Interest Habitats Andalucía-Morocco” is being developed in the framework of Cross-Border Cooperation External Borders Program (POCTEFEX) Andalucía (España) – Kindogm of Morocco. The project looks to improve the territorial connectivity between both countries and promote environmental sustainability and risk prevention.

In order to reach the objectives of the Project, Almería University, through the Andalusian Centre for Assesment and Monitoring of Global Change (CAESCG) in collaboration with Mohamed I University of Morocco and Pluridisciplinar Faculty of Nador, have organized a high level training program for global change directed at students, managers and researchers related to environmental management.

The first activity included in the training program is a theoretical course held at Almería Pluridisciplinar Faculty of Nador on 21st, 22nd and 23th October 2013 in the morning (9.00 to 14.15 h).

Moreover, this program includes a practical course that will be held  in Almería on 19th and 20th December 2013. In this course we will go on different routes in Sierra Nevada National Park and Cabo de Gata-Níjar maritime-terrestrial Natural Park.

For a summary, click here.

Organising Entities:

Andalusian Centre for the Assessment and monitoring of Global Change (Almería University)  www.caescg.org

Pluridisciplinar Faculty of Nador (Oujda University)  www.fpn.ma

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