Andalucian Network of Global Change Observatories

ENGLOBA es la plataforma de encuentro para la investigación y la cooperación en Cambio Global y Gestión Ambiental
about CAESCG

Andalucian Network of Gobal Change Observatories

The Andalusian Goberment Council approved the Andalusian Adaptative Program of Climate Change (read) on 2nd August 2010. Andalucía has become the first Autonomous Region to make proposals to adapt the ecological systems and the most vulnerable economic sectors with regard to changes which predictive models provide for the 21st century. .

The Adaptive program writes a new chapter in “the continuous improvement in knowledge” which defines and creates the Andalusian Network of Global Change Observatories. This Network has been designed to flagship the environment, including the Sierra Nevada mountainous massif, the Almería desert, the Doñana marshlands, the Sierra Morena pasturelands and the marine coast of the Estrecho Natural Park. The Andalusian Centre for the assessment and monitoring of Global Change, based in Almería University, is a key element in the Observatories Network and focuses on analysing and monitoring climate and global change in the semi-arid landscapes in eastern Andalusia.

The development of the Observatories Network  (under the remit of the General Directorate of Natural Environment, Decree 105/2011, 19th April published in this BOJA) and its implementation on Rediam requires the compatibility of incorporating the new information created in the format that is compatible with the system and its prioritisation to different approximation degrees from the regional area to the ecosystems which represents the different Observatories defined.

Estamos situados en el Campus de la Universidad de Almería.

CITE V, Carretera Sacramento s/n
04120 La Cañada de San Urbano - Almería - ESPAÑA

Tel/Fax: (+34) 950 21 47 50
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